With a background in philosophy, clinical psychiatry and neurobiology I am interested in how the brain and mind are connected in many different ways. I am the PI of Lagerlöf Lab and resident doctor at the psychiatry clinic at Umeå University Hospital.
Olof Lagerlöf
Welcome to our lab! We’ve just started and are looking for new members – grad students, postdocs, techs…
Umeå is a great place to work and live characterized by its university and many students. Located in northern Sweden there is ample opportunity for both winter and summer wildlife experiences
Photo Mattias Persson
First lab photo
Lea learning archery
Lab dinner party
Northern lights on the way to the mountain
Linkun won our first lab party - very serious... - competition
Target practice
We like cats
Cold weather makes for mountain climbing...
We like dogs
Manish Bhattacharjee
Manish made important discoveries during his PhD at CSIR in India about the posttranslational modification neddylation in malaria parasites. As an expert and passionate biochemist, Manish joined the lab as postdoc and is now continuing as staff scientist
Linkun Han
Linkun Han has plenty of experience in molecular neuroscience already and will use his skills to decipher molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and how such mechanisms regulate food intake. He joins the lab as a PhD student.
Sabrina Galizia
Sabrina did her Master’s at the Sapienza in Rome/Italy and then continued doing research in the UK. We are very happy that she wanted to join our lab as a PhD student. She will integrate molecular mechanisms with animal behavior focusing on nutrient regulation of food intake.
Erik Ekbäck
Erik is a physician-scientist that is spearheading the clinical research in our lab. He has brought the lab to a new level, making it possible to take our findings in mice to human patients!
Luisa Helene Schwarz
Luisa joined the lab as a Master’s student for her thesis project. With a background in drosophila, she is not taking on a project how metabolic regulation of synaptic plasticity using primary neuronal cell culture.
Qiongxuan Lu
Qiongxuan did his PhD in China on a water-living organism. Then he moved to the succesful Changchun Chen lab where he switched to C. elegans. He has discovered already a novel feeding phenotype and was able to employ high-throughput genetics to decipher molecular pathways regulating complex behavioral. With this great and interdisciplinary background, Qiongxuan joins us postdoc.
Jingyu Pan
Jingyu has just joined the lab as a PhD student. Using biochemistry to study molecular mechanisms in fish in China, he is now embarking on a project identifying links between memory formation and anorexia nervosa
Thyra Boafo
Thyra Boafo came to Umeå for her Master’s in Biomedicine. She started in our lab to do her thesis on how food affects synaptic currents. The results turned out to be very illuminating, showing a novel mechanism by which the brain interprets changes in body metabolic state. Her thesis was awarded the highest grade and she is now continuing in the lab for more exciting projects.
Stoyan Stoyanov
Native to Bulgaria, Stoyan joined our lab as a Master’s student. He is doing a longer project in the lab setting up new methods to identify mechanisms by which OGT regulate learning and memory
Ahmed Al-Husseinawi
Ahmed is almost local to Umeå (Skellefteå) and doing his Master’s thesis in the lab. He is very excited about lab work and has already made progress in understanding how O-GlcNAc affects AMPA receptors
Anushree Tripathi
After a PhD in Spain and postdoc in France, she joined us for a short project as research engineer for a collaboration project between the Lagerlöf and Medini Labs in Umeå
Petya Elenska
Petya stayed in the lab during her Master’s for a whole year – she made important discoveries on metabolic regulation of a previously under-research synapse type. She is now continuing her Master’s in Per Petersson’s lab.
Lea Hueber
During her Master’s, Lea did some pioneering work on the cross-talk between kinases and O-GlcNAcylation. She has since got accepted to continue her research in Germany
Sofia Lönnerstedt
Sofia joined the lab for her degree project in medical school. She evaluated a novel paradigm assessing feeding behavior. She did great and we’ll build our future studies on her work.
Batuhan Uygar
Batuhan joined the lab after his Master’s degree. He worked on stereotactic virus injections. He has now moved on to KI for his PhD.